Wednesday, October 02, 2024

Random things in the library

at 2:05 PM

Masihkah ada orang yang tulis blog sekarang kroh koh koh ...

I was supposed to do some heavy reading, but instead I'm wasting my time by doing some light reading, aku baca novel tadi ahahaaa... 

Dahlah novel tu aku pernah baca which is Anne of Green Gables series. I downloaded the book series from the library and it's available in Pdf horrraahhh... been scan reading, I'm good at scan reading hihi... finished Rilla of Ingleside pastu mata berair sebab masuk part sedih.

Padahal dah baca pun banyak kali but the book series sooo good I have to reread the series so many times.

Students lelaki yang duduk depan aku tu, duduk atas sofa kot, bising sangat padahal ni library. But I'm currently at Level 4, so cannot expect silent study hall. Silent study hall if I'm not mistaken are at Level 6 kot. And the girl sitting in front of me, she's packing her things now. I supposed she wants to get out from this library hahaa the guys sitting behind her are too noisy.

Luckily I have my headphone, wish I buy the noise cancelling headphone.

Perhaps I should consider buying them hmmm... 

These are the sofas near my seat. Looks comfortable right? They are comfortable 💖.

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